Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just nod your head in agreement...

After going on my trip, I think that it would be cool if I could live in the UK for a couple of months. What better way to do that than to Study Abroad again, except, it would be for a semester. With my graduation in December, it will make it harder to do a study abroad. Masters programs are not set up to accept transfer credit, so I don't know how all of it could work. I could take some undergrad classes there and just take some of my masters classes online. I don't know how all of that would work out.. It is possible, but I don't know how. Also, there is also the thing about a job and bills and money to spend while I am there, and I don't know how all of that would work out. I think that it would be easier to live over there if I did a study abroad program because otherwise, I could only live there for like 2 months, and it is not worth it to find an apartment for that amount of time and also it would be really expensive to live in an accommodation for that period of time. Whatever I do though, it will be really expensive, so I don't know. I definitely need to go back so I can explore those places that I missed, like London and the southeastern portions of the UK. I already have priced flights, and the prices are not bad. Just all together though, it would be a very costly trip...

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